Monday, September 17, 2012


I took some time off work.  Originally, I was supposed to have Monday-Friday off.  Another co-worker has Friday off so I'd said I'd come back Friday to help them out.  Then I dropped Physics, so, I decided I'd go back Wednesday.  I'm actually looking forward to going back. I'm bored. I think a few days off is probably what I needed, though.

Yeah, Physics became a point of WAY to much stress.  I decided to drop it and try it again later on.  I was doing pretty well in the beginning but, then, got behind so I started rushing through assignments and quizzes and ended up doing very poorly to the point that I felt there was no point in completing the course because I KNOW I can do well, I just need a fresh start and to keep on top of it.  I have enrolled in an online Chemistry class that has an official start date of tomorrow.  After that course is over, I will try Physics again.

My shoulders are giving me a run for my money right now as well.  Pain and tingling.  Blah.

Anyways, when some exciting stuff happens I'll be sure to update.

"He's not jaded or bitter, he's gonna leave the givin' up for the quitters."


Sunday, September 9, 2012

And Then...

My birthday was pretty freaking awesome! I celebrated from Thursday-Monday with family and friends.  Dinners. Movie. Shopping. All fun stuff!

Waterski season is over, unfortunately, but I am counting down the days until June 1st when I can get out the water again.  The person I was side skiing with has offered to do it again next season. We are just trying to line up a release person (the person who releases the rope from my ski if I wipe out) and I'm thinking dad will be able to do that. I'm thinking I may use a week of holidays and spend some evenings out on the water.  Such an amazing feeling being out there. 

Speaking of holidays, school has started up again so I have taken a week off to get work done and close the books on this Physics class. 

I also ended up back at the medi-clinic again. I had been having some side pain that turned into back pain and suspected a UTI. Yup. 7 days of Macrobid twice a day.  

So needless to say, things are busy as ever.

Thanks for reading!


"He's not jaded or bitter, he's gonna leave the givin' up for the quitters."