Friday, April 25, 2014

Hi, Remember me?

Hello folks,

Sorry for my extremely extended absence. Work and school kept me busy, and so has waterskiing.

I started university at the beginning of January and just finished up a few weeks ago.   I only took one online class just to see how things would go and so I could still work.  It was a Psychology class, so lots of memorizing and stuff, not to mention a lot of sleepless nights and a lot of caffeine fuelled mornings.

At the end of March I headed to Florida for a waterski training. Best. Thing. Ever.  I was nervous to go just because out of all the sit skiers there, I had the least experience, but being on the water for five consecutive days for full days allowed for some major skill improvement.   What you should know is that last summer, I could not balance my ski in the water, not even when I was just sitting in the water. I was also using a beginner ski.   In January,  I was told that I should take the ski to the pool and try and practice balancing.  Well, it paid off.  I balanced that ski and in the water and since then have I abeen able to graduate to a intermediate slalom ski.  I now have purchased all my own gear.  A super awesome pink slalom ski, a cage that is also pink (Don't judge, I have a pink addiction, okay?!) , along with a few life vests and some ropes.  I truly have found my sport.  My passion.  I have started eating better, drinking more water, I even booked a nutrition consult and will be heading to the gym for my first training session on Saturday. At 8am. With no coffee.  This should tell something, people.  I hate mornings.  Saturdays are my day to sleep in.  I also require coffee in the morning.  Do you now understand my level of commitment to the sport?   It is funny, at first I did not want to compete, I just wanted to ski just because, but now that I know I will ski independently I want to do it ALL.  Seriously.  I want to ski to compete.  I want to travel.   I want to learn all I can.  Here is the other thing you should know about me.  I struggle to stay committed to activities longer than like 6 months.  I played guitar for four, I horseback rode for a year off and on.   Waterskiing has lasted almost 2 years.  That is a big deal and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.   The financial investment has been huge (notice investment, not expense), but that is okay.

Here is the thing though.  I need more water time. I live in a province where I get 3 months to ski.  That is it.  Therefore maximizing water time is important for success.  I have a job that does not allow for that.  I have waterski equipment that costs a lot.  You see my dilemma here, I am sure.  

I am not totally feeling like myself right now.  Worrying. Struggling. I will get through it, I always do.

That's all for now,


"He's not jaded or bitter, he's gonna leave the givin' up for the quitters."