Monday, April 18, 2011

Progress Baby!

We bought a stairlift today!!!! There will offically be no more crawling up and down the stairs (unless I decide to go to the upper level, which I really don't need to do.)  It will be installed as soon as the carpet is replaced on the stairs; the plan is to do that next week.  Renos continue on the bathroom and the goal is to have that done Sunday.  I will now be able to access the bathroom, my room, the kitchen, and the dining room in my wheelchair.  YAY! Living room is no big deal because it'll be a total of maybe 20 steps from my wheelchair to the couch. 

I FINALLY got an appointment with Physiatry, May 10th, thanks to that persistent  OT of mine :).  At that time he will look at my shoulder and maybe order an EMG.  He will also be looking at my toes to see whether or not I will benefit from Botox (or other treatment) as I am still having pain and a lot of tone in my toes.

Speaking of shoulder, it has been pretty good lately *knock on wood*.  I went for a massage (that lady works wonders) and have been using lots of heat which is helping loads.   I will be going back to the Massage Therapist on Monday for another treatment and this will happen every week and a half to two weeks until she can get my muscles to loosen up/calm down more.    After that, we'll go once a month to maintain things.

Also, I go to get my AFOS fitted Wednesday and then to see my PT the following Wednesday to make sure they are fitting and to review my stretching program.  She's not going to be happy with me as I really haven't been doing much other than standing and long sitting.  A lot of the stretches my other PT was going to have me do involved my shoulders so, new PT may be doing some revamping. Lucky her! 

Dad also went and looked at tie downs and ramps for the van. He found the ramp and is waiting on the DME regarding tie downs because since we have stow and go seating, there was only 3 spots they could find for tie downs and we need four.  They have assured us they will work it out so this girl IS NOT going to stress. The other AWESOME thing is health insurance will cover the cost of the tie downs (or most of it, anyways) and the full cost of the ramp as long as my OT submits a requistion, which he'll probably do this week; he needs to know what we're getting first. 

My MRI is Thursday as well, so I'm hoping and praying for good news with that.

Thank you to all who said prayers for the stair lift, van, or anything else.  It is much appreciated and if you wouldn't mind, could you please pray for good results from the MRI and for continued progress in therapy as well as the homefront :).

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
- Matthew 7:7-8

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