I feel like a mental breakdown is happening. So, it's only Tuesday only Tuesday. How is that possible? How I ask you? It started yesterday. Stupid power chair didn't charge fully (no idea why), almost got stuck at school, called DME guy, left voicemail and didn't worry until it started to go red as in "if you don't plug me in now, I'm going to give out.". Called DME again and he's away for the day. Well alright then. Explain the situation to some random guy who works at my equipment place. He tells me my DME will call me back tomorrow. Well.... I think it's going to die before tomorrow, but thanks anyways. Call mom. No answer. Get a hold of her and sister brings charger. Don't know if charger is actually charging battery, it does not appear to be. Call mom. No answer. Call dad. No answer. Did I mention I also lost my binder and have an exam Friday? My OT doesn't work Monday's so that's out. Shit. By this time I'm close to tears and don't know what else to do so I call my PT and accidentally hang up on her because I thought I'd got her voicemail. Whoops. Call her back and explain the situation. She asks for my number and she says she will call me back in five minutes. Bear in mind it is three o'clock and I go home at 3:15. By 3:10, I vision myself getting stuck on the lift of the cab or on the lift at home and having to crawl in the house. I head toward the front door and as I'm walking past the front office the secretary hands me a message. Ok, so I gave my PT the wrong number and then she called mom, mom gave her half my number and half dads :). I told her that and both she and mom had a good laugh. She called my OT (remember, they're married) and then he got all worked up thinking I was walking home and was going to get stuck in the street. Um, no, but thanks for your concern, you nutbar. He had some questions for her to ask me. I answered them as best I could., said thank you and sorry for bothering her and my OT (he can't even get away from me on his day off. That is sad.) Got in the house and immediately plugged the chair in and proceeded to have a LONG nap. Get a call from DME first thing this morning, explain situation and he proceeds to tell me that because government insurance paid for it, he isn't authorized to do a thing about these problems and I have to contact the government repair depot. I was sad because well.... he's so nice and the wheelchair repair people at this depot for the most part, frighten me a bit. He did say he thinks the charger may not have been turned on and that I should go home after school and check it out. It appears to be fully charged now and I'm taking it to OT on Thursday so, we'll test it out and make sure it stays charged.
Now what's really got me upset. I can't graph. I'm just NOT physically capable of it. I can understand it, I just can't draw it onto a piece of paper. I got 20/20 on my assignment where an EA had drawn the graph itself after I found all the information needed for graphing. My EA has been away though, and so now I'm behind in math and feeling very frustrated and stressed because I can't do anything about it. I need all my high school Math because I need a stats class in University to get into OT school. It makes me cry to think that I may not be able to do it because of one class. I've been in contact with a guy from the Ministry of Education to see if there is some way they can allow me to use the software. I also contacted the Online Learning Centre as I am supposed to be taking online Physics and Math online next year and I am hoping they may be more willing to make technology work. I feel like my school has basically given up on me. I also contacted the Disability Services Office at the university I hope to attend to see if they will allow me to use my graphing software. I am taking the day tomorrow to just rest and try and do some catch up. I feel like I have failed even though I know I'm doing my best.
Please pray that I will have some answers tomorrow and that I will be able to use my graphing software or that we can come up with another solution so I can get caught up and so that we will have something in place for next year. Please also pray that the university will accommodate the graphing software (or do something else) so that I will be able to do what I need to do to get into OT school. .Please also pray that I will do well on my Bio and Math tests and be able to get caught up in all my classes. Lastly please pray for strength and for a good session at therapy Thursday and just an all around better rest of the week.
Thank you so much.
With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Eleanor Roosevelt
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