Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bruised Nerve? Seriously?!

And yet again I wait in Ortho for an hour and fifteen minutes after my scheduled appointment.  Yet again I get told there is nothing she can do. Keep moving it so I don't get a frozen shoulder.  It's a bruised nerve.  She walks in the room and says "What did you do this time?"  Fell out of my chair.  "So it was an actual injury this time?" Uh, yes? That's good because if it is a repetitive stress injury, I can't help you. I think we've been through this.  Thank you for your prayers about my shoulder, it is super appreciated.

I am having trouble with my ears.  I'm not going to lie, I got into a horrible habit of listening to music WAY to loud.  I am having trouble hearing and the ringing is obvious, but I think it has a lot to do with the fact that my ears are seriously plugged by wax (they feel full, they hurt, I can hear the wax crackling/ popping) and I also think it has to do with stress/anxiety and grinding my teeth as both those things can cause ringing. I think I may also be having some sinus issues.   Please please pray my ears feel better.  I have stopped wearing earbuds period and if I do listen to music on my iPhone it will be at a reasonable level with headphones that go around my ears, not inside.  Please please pray I can get my ears cleaned and that this will help with my ears feeling better and hearing better.  Please also pray that I can stopped being so stressed an anxious all the time which would also help me to not grind my teeth.  Please pray this all works out; I am feeling pretty anxious, scared, and stupid over the whole thing.

I am allowed to start walking and have a PT session on Friday morning and should be able to start walking at work on Friday afternoon.  I am super excited about that, yet as it looms closer I feel really nervous about it because there will be no PT there; it will be me, my boss, and my supervisor.  There will also be people watching.  It will be an experience for all of us and something that is defiantly going to "force" me to trust my boss and supervisor.  I have issues with trust. If my insurance and mom's insurance do not cover my walker, my dad's insurance will cover 100% of it.  We have already purchased it as we were told we could be reimbursed which is great.

I got new breaks put on my chair.  The one's I had were the Quickie Scissor breaks, but, they have given me issues since the day I got my chair (the one didn't make enough contact with the tire. We would adjust it and then, it would move and stop working properly again) so the fall combined with the fact that I will be starting to walk at work on probably Friday and the chair needs to be entirely still for the safety of myself and whoever is helping me pushed us to buy new breaks.  I got the push to lock ones as they should last longer and even though I like the ones I had better as far as they way they work (not how well, but how they work) and of course they way they look, I'd rather be safe.

Thanks for caring enough to read.  I have been posting more lately and appreciate that you take the time to read when I post 3 times a week :)



Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don’t and believe that everything happens for a reason."

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