Saturday, March 17, 2012

3 Times This Week!!

We walked three times this week.  Monday, Thursday, and Friday.  Friday I was literally breathless by the end of walking.  We had to take two sitting breaks instead of one, but that's ok.  We talked yesterday about walking 5X/week and I laughed. At this point, 5 times a week would be pushing our luck.  Just walking those three days resulted in me getting home at about 12:30 last night, sleeping until 8am, and then crashing  at 11am until 5:30 this evening.  5 days a week? My crazy boss may think so.  That's a perfectly fine idea if he'd like me to sleep all day :).

This week I go to get my braces off which is cool.  I've had them for like 5 years and am more than ready for them to not be on anymore.  I also have PT this week and my boss will be coming with me to learn how to properly put my AFOS on.  I can put them on but, it is a slow process and I can't get them on properly, but when I'm walking, I need my AFO to support my foot in the right way.

I also dropped my classes and I am now only taking Physics and it is through a different online school.  I am happy to say it is going very well.  There is an actual calendar that has everything laid out day by day and all the material is in order.  Not only that, but I have 150 days to complete the whole course.

Have a good weekend all!


"He's not jaded or bitter, he's gonna leave the givin' up for the quitters."

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