Emotionally. Physically. I am breaking.
My shoulder has started hurting day in and out again. I don't know what set it off, but, I do know that I was supposed to go waterskiing Monday and couldn't because my shoulder hurt. That made me sad. Really sad. This is the first time in a long time my shoulder has put the kibosh on something I really wanted to do. I went for lunch with a friend and was probably not all that fun to be around.
Monday was an ok day at work. Tuesday was whatever. Wednesday and Thursday were bad. Anxiety attacks. Pure frustration. I don't know exactly why. I do know that I have been in a slump. That is sales. It sucks but, it's true. The bossman and I had a chat yesterday and he assured me it happens it to everyone. He also thinks it might do me some good to take a few days off and gave me a few options for doing that, so that is something I need to consider. I love my job. I really do, but, I think sometimes I forget that I can only do so much. I can not control other people (cause my life would be SO much easier and less stressful :) I need a break. I have next Thursday off as of now because it's my birthday, so that'll be cool and my birthday party is Friday which I'm excited about.
I'm hopeful that after a good night's sleep and some time off and some things to look forward to, things will get better cause I'm hanging on by a thread at the moment.
Please say a prayer that the constant headaches and shoulder pain subside and that anxiety gets better and that work gets less stressful and more productive.
As always,
Thanks for reading.
"He's not jaded or bitter, he's gonna leave the givin' up for the quitters."
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