I had a good few days off. Chemistry is going really well. Shoulder is still kind of icky. Work is a bit better.
I am posting tonight because I read something that made me very angry. On the right hand side of my blog is a link to Caleb's blog. Caleb is a sweet, independent, happy, vibrant, little boy who just happens to have Spina Bifida. His mom started a blog to share their journey; to help families going through the same thing. His mom posted a picture of his Halloween costume on the blog and when she Googled wheelchair Halloween costumes, she found this picture with a crude joke plastered all over the Internet. I don't know what it was and frankly, I don't want to know. When she asked to have it taken down, most sites took care of it, no questions asked. Others were downright rude. I fail to see what is wrong with people. I will never understand it. We all blog to vent, to share our journey, to celebrate progress, and to find sources of support. If you don't like what I write, fine. You don't have to. But, until you have walked my journey, until you know what it feels like, don't joke and don't judge. This is what forces so many people to never start a blog or to stop using their blog. So much wasted knowledge and support. For what? A stupid joke.
Please make sure to remind people that you read their blog and that they are valuable.
To Caleb's Mama ( and all the other bloggers out there), I appreciate you. I share in your joy, I feel your pain, and I know that we all have unique journeys, but, because of people like you who are willing to share your happiest and worst moments I know that I am not alone, that miracles and progress (little and big) are possible, and that there are things so very worth fighting for.
I will stand up and fight. I have an army of people to join me.
Thank you for sharing in this journey.
"He's no jaded or bitter, he's gonna leave the givin' up for the quitters."
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