I found this photo and it inspired a post ( sorry I haven't posted since October... Shame on me)
I lost a little bit of progress with walking because of a combination of me/my boss being busy, holidays, being sick, hip issue act. but we're getting back on track. Still working hard and not giving in. We just passed the year mark of walking at work and I am still hopeful that progress continues to be made and I can eventually start walking without help with my walker. I don't feel like my confidence is quiet there yet because within a matter of seconds, my walker can slide just a bit to far and uh-oh! I also went out and bought some high-tops yesterday in hopes that they might be easier to get on (still not as far as me putting them on, we're just not there yet) but for whoever puts them on and I'm also hopeful they'll help support my ankle a bit more. I currently have a tiny little scrap on my foot (same kind/spot as the one I had that the nurse at rehab wrapped and what not) that we have wrapped and healing. It's not even a big deal, but, my socks keep rubbing it.
My anxiety issues are still there, but, better. I guess probably the reason I haven't been posting is not much has changed.
Last night I went for dinner with my sister and my nephew and I was transferring into the booth and my shoe got stuck on my footrest. Keep in mind, my sister is holding my sleeping nephew and still trying to help; the lady sitting at a table across from us (who has young kids of her own) gets up and asks if she can help. At this point, I'm not going to say no because I'm really sure what I can do. She helps me and then moves my chair back. As we are getting up to leave, I knew I'd be fine, but there she was again :). Then, she stood in front of me paying her bill and held the door open and told me she hoped I had a great evening. You know, there are a lot of ignorant people in the world, but, besides the fact that fighting through it is so worth it, it makes me extra grateful when there is people like this lady.
Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well.
"He's not jaded or bitter, he's gonna leave the givin' up for the quitters."
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