This week at Hippotherapy, my ROM improved hugely. In fact, my riding therapist said that she now has to go back and redo her plan for me for the next month because the plan was based on my need to gain ROM . My legs were so loose that my upper body was really unstable. My LACK of tightness in my legs made me unstable; that has never happened. So now the plan is to work on strengthening my legs. She gave me these rings to put around a pole while riding the horse (for balance), but I kept missing because the horse was stalling. At the end of the session we tried walking/standing. I was able to walk just resting my hands on her shoulders and my legs moved easier (the movement wasn't as forced) but, it gets even better. At the very end, my therapist had me standing just holding one of her hands and my mom told her I never would have been able to standing holding just one hand for support before, because I would've pitched forward. So, she decided to take it one step further and had my dad come hold my other hand. Then, she told me "Think of our hands as the saddle of the horse, you don't need to hold onto the saddle." I let go of their hands and was able to stand with NO support for about five seconds two separate times. I know five seconds does not seem huge, but to someone who can not stand without support, that's a big deal; it's a HUGE deal. When I went to buy my riding helmet, the lady who was helping us told us that there is a lady from the states who was an Olympic rider and she fell off her horse acquiring a Traumatic Brain Injury. Now, she attends Hippotherapy five days a week and has said that to amazes her how hard it is for her since she used to ride in the Olympics. But, it is believed to be a huge part of why she is able to walk. Do I think I'm just going to up and walk? No, but, with a whole lot of hope, faith, prayer, and hard work, who knows what the future holds? Don't get me wrong, my life isn't centered around learning to walk, but if that's part of God's plan, I'm game. Plus, it would just be another thing I can prove a few therapists and doctors wrong about, I like doing that; it makes me feel really good :) (not in a "you were wrong" sort of way, just "I defied the odds" sort of way).
Thank you to those who prayed about the appointment schedule and fitting everything in. Because of your prayers, my Hippotherapist is now able to see me Tuesday (dad is off work, so it works much better), OT is Wednesday and Massage Therapy is every second Saturday (I can rest after that way)
PLEASE continue to pray HARD that SAHO and the Health Sciences Association can come to an agreement on Wednesday; PLEASE pray HARD that this contract offer will be one that gives the Health Science Association members a fair contract PLEASE pray HARD they will accept this contract offer. PLEASE pray HARD this is not just a tactic to delay things. PLEASE pray HARD there will be no need for further, ramped up strike action.
Please also pray for school as we are 2 weeks away from exams and I am feeling stressed about getting everything in (my fault, I admit it. I procrastinate far to much), Please also pray for continued progress in all my therapies. Please also continue to pray I will be able to have OT this week because as I said, it has been almost three weeks since I had therapy ( I know it could be worse). Please also keep my OT and his family in your prayers.
Thank you all so much. Your prayers make a difference. PLEASE don't hesitate if you need prayers.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
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