Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hard Day.

Today was and still is extremely difficult.    I had my last OT session this morning and that in and of itself was really hard.  I met my new OT this morning, but after some discussion with mom and some serious thinking, we have decided to not pursue that option.  We had clinic with Ortho and PT today (thanks for prayers about that!)   and I am in for a long, intense rehab process.   My PT recommended another PT so, we just need to get our insurance ducks in a row and then it shall begin.  This is part of the reason we decided not to pursue OT at this time; We feel that if we can get my shoulders to a more stable point, I will be able to participate more in OT with things like wheelchair skills and kitchen work (we made macaroni and cheese today in OT and I couldn`t even drag the pot across the counter).  There have also been a lot of therapy changes in the last few months and it is becoming a lot for me to deal with.  Over the past seven months, I have worked incredibly hard in Occupational Therapy, not only physically, but also emotionally so that I could trust my therapist enough to let him help me and so I could accept some of the issues that can not be fixed.    I need a break. I am simply not ready to just move straight from one therapist who I am very comfortable with to a whole new person.  Mom and I both feel that because of how attached I was (and still am) it is not a good idea to get involved with another OT right now because I would constantly be comparing them to what I had and expecting them to fill his shoes.  The other thing is, the new OT is leaving in September, so if I was still there come September, it would mean ANOTHER change and I just can`t do that.  The plan is to take the summer and distance myself and just enjoy my time off.  In the Fall, my OT (the one I was seeing) will either call us and set us up with a new OT or I will get a re-referral from my GP or Ortho doctor for more OT There will be some new therapists there in the fall and as I said, we are hopeful that I will be able to work on some of the goals I was not able to (or at least not as much as I`d have liked or in the way I needed to).  We will also look into adding a standing component to my chair at that point (it`s an option on my power chair so, that`s cool) because my OT feels like I`d be putting less strain on my shoulders while in the kitchen, plus, when I start university, I won`t be able to have my standing frame there.  Another advantage is that I may very well be able to move around while standing.

I have officially finished up my time at the pediatric rehab center here and will now only see PT if there are issues.  That`s bittersweet as there are many memories there, but at the same time, it means less health care pros are needed on my team and that is a sign of progress.   Mom was telling PT how many changes and progress she`s seen in me since I started OT. Yeah, that`s me, progressing despite all the people who never expected me to do it, and I`ll keep doing it. Always. :)

I thought I would share this video.  It has inspired me yet again to pursue my dreams of becoming an OT.  This guy is a T level paraplegic and is an OT at The Institute for Research and Rehabilitation

I continue to ask you to PLEASE pray for HARD this strike to end as they were of the job in my city and 
three others again today.  I also ask you to pray for our renos to be completed soon so we can get out of here and into something more chair friendly, but for now that the bathroom can be finished so I can use my bath lift again (it`s driving me having to have people lift me into the tub, as I`ve mentioned before) and that my stairlift can get put in as soon as possible.  I also ask you to pray that PT will work out as far as insurance and helpfulness.   This one is a long way off, but, could you also please pray that we can somehow get the standing feature on my wheelchair. Please also continue to pray for strength as I adjust to the new situations as far as therapy.

Thanks all! Please let me know if I can help you out as well.

"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him."
Jeremiah 17:7 


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