Hi Everybody,
All 300 of the "non-essential Health Sciences Association Members in my city walked off the job today. 364 appointments had to be cancelled and that total is expected to rise. SAHO still remains that yesterdays offer as far as wages are concerned is "final". Most of the appointments in the Child Development program had to be cancelled as well as several appointments in other areas. SAHO says they will go back to the table to discuss small details and provid clarification. Health Sciences Association says that they will suspend all strike action as soon as SAHO agrees to independent binding arbitration. I'm scared. I don't know if I've ever said it that way. I'm scared because I need my Occcupational Therapist and Physical Therapist. I'm scared because I need to go see my Physical Therapist at clinic with my Orthopedic Surgeon to discuss my legs/hips and also discuss my shoulder before it gets any worse. I'm scared for all those kiddos who can't have their therapy through the Child Developement Program; it is so very important for young kids to get the proper rehabillitation. I'm scared for all those newly injured outpatients who need their weekly therapy because the proper rehabillitation early on makes all the difference. I'm scared for that patient and his/her family who hang on to every ounce of progress they see in therapy each week. So, God I know you're listening and it seems that maybe writing this out is the best way to go about this because I haven't been able to say the proper prayer out loud lately. So please God, hear my prayers when I ask, no, beg you to end this dispute. Please allow the government to see that these people ar essential. Please allow for the two sides to come to an agreement and if that requires binding arbitration, please provide that Pllease allow patients to be able to go back to getting the services they very much so need. PLEASE God, do not let this escalation in strike action prosist for any length of time. Please also provide everyone affected by this situation hope, faith, strentgh, peace, courage, and wisdom. Readers, I ask you to join me in this prayer.
We also had a "God is Good" moment the other day (He always is but, ya know) As I said before, the ramp for my power chair is a huge pain in the tush for my parents. Our DME called my mom the other day and he told us he had found a Joey Lift (http://www.bruno.com/vehicle-lift-joey.html) in the warehouse and that if he could get the right parts to install it in our van, we could have it free of charge, wow! I assume this is not a cheap peice of equipment. Thanks God! Hopefully that works out.
I stayed up wayyyyyy to late last nigh finishing my Biology paper (How late I won't say because I'm ashamed)I have a massage in the morning and am still fighting a sore throat and runny nose, so goodnight! Thank you for reading and/or praying.
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