Thursday, June 9, 2011

Please Pray

Hi Everyone,

Just when it looked like the Health Sciences Association and SAHO might be coming to an agreement, SAHO rejected the Health Sciences counter offer.  This counter offer had been acceptance of the employer's latest wage proposal for 17 job classifications, with an increase of 14.5% or more over the 4 years of the contract, and base wage increases of 14.5% over the four years for all remaining members.  So, it's back to an escalation in strike action. 

Just when I had started to feel a little bit more positive, it all came slamming at me.  School being to much..  My shoulder is killing me all over again (stress does good things for it, you know.).  I am supposed to be going on June 22nd to see my Orthopedic Surgeon and Physical Therapist for that clinic appointment and at that point, we are going to talk about who should be doing the Physical Therapy and that kind of thing..  With this escalated strrike action, though, who knows if that can happen? I'm seriously trying not to sound selfish and to have some faith, but I really need to get into Physical Therapy.  The pain has reared its ugly head with a vengance for the last couple of days.  I'm just so tired of hurting and being so restricted.  I know it could be worse. I'm just frustrated and tired.  I feel like a broken record, on that one by the way.  I'm also getting a cold and this really isn't the best timing for that because I have final exams starting a week from tomorrow, have a test, an essay, and a paper due.tomorrow.  It's a "simple" as there's to much going on. 

PLEASE pray HARD that this escalated strike action will not have to last long. PLEASE pray HARD that the Health Sciences Association can get the binding arbitration they are asking for.  PLEASE pray HARD this dispute can be solved quickly. PLEASE pray HARD it does not have to come to all 1500 "non-essential" members being pulled off the job because they are all essential to their patitents.    PLEASE pray HARDabout this whole situation, I'm at a point where I'm not sure what else to specifcally request.

"My soul faints with longing for your salvation, but I have put my hope in your word."

Psalm 119:81

Thank you and please let me know if I can return the favor.


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