Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My iPod is Broken :(

It's b-r-r-r-o-k-e-n.  But, seriously, this is the second time the headphone jack has come loose like, come on.

The letters of appeal have been sent in for my standing chair.  My boss and OT wrote one so, go them! Hopefully it's enough and it wasn't a colossal waste of time.  I'm keeping my fingers, toes, AND eyes crossed :). Ok, not quite.

I have been booked for a driver evaluation.  In case anyone wondered, it's on January 19th at 8am. I HIGHLY suggest you stay off the sidewalks.  The lady I spoke with did say that 80% of the people she sees with CP do have perceptual issues and that this is not an automatic "No, not a chance."   It could mean I need more practice.  She did also say that she will be able to tell me whether or not this is something that can be accomplished.  If it is, I will be working with I would assume, an OT.  When the OT feels I am ready to drive alone, they will report to her.

Work is going very well.  I am actually training someone else right now and it's harder than it seems.  Not because of the person but, because I don't like being critical of others.  I'm working on it.  I must be doing well, though because my boss has asked me to keep doing it.  I'm not bragging, just excited :).

Please keep John Matthew in your prayers.  He's had a rough day and could use them.

As for me, I would ask that you continue to pray in regards to the standing component and approval from insurance for funding/ installation.  I would also ask for prayers in regards to school  I am returning to school in 3 weeks and am still going to try and work full time (I will be allowed to work on schoolwork at work) so prayers that it will go well would be appreciated.


A merry heart doeth good [like] a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

Proverbs 17:22

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