Thursday, May 26, 2011

Happy Times :)

Good stuff happening my way.

The tiedowns and ramp have been in use for a week now. Is it pretty? No. Is it time-consuming and a tad unpractical? Yes. But, it works! I have been using my power chair exclusively since last Thursday which is a good thing.

I have Hippotherapy tomorrow and I'm pretty freakin' excited! I don't think I blogged about the first time I went. Before I get on the horse, I sit on a barrel to stretch those silly hips. Ouch. My hippotherapist is focused on not using my hands for balance and instead my core/tummy. She has me hold my arms out to the sides, recite my phone number and then my hands can go back down. The first time she made me do it, I thought she was nuts but, it works really well. She told me she thinks that one day (after more therapy), I'll be able to transfer onto the horse and ride without anyone there! Seriously? That's deadly.

The teachers were on strike yesterday and today and have now decided to cancel all extra-cirricular activites. That includes grad. Nice.

Massage is still doing amazing things for my shoulder pain. For the first time yesterday, she went deep into my rotator cuff. I'm feeling it today. My pecs have been so tight at times that it hurts to breath, so we're working on that when pain levels allow.

OT is on a 2 week break. We worked on my hair last week. That was interesting. He forgot the straightener, I on the other hand, did not. He said the problems I am having straightening my hair are a combination of the spatial/perceptual problems and lack of coordination, So what else is new? He put a piece of metal on the straightener so that the metal will lift my hair (I am fully aware that makes NO sense). That thing pulls hair. It hurts. I had mom's straightener (Mine is in the mess of a basement we have)so, he wanted to put something that could be removed on. I went out and bought a small/narrow straightener (under his recommendation, because apparently he's an expert :) Anyhow, I'll stop beaking him and get on with my point. Since this is my straightener, hopefully he can rig up something more permanent and better, say something that does NOT pull hair?

Speaking of OT I spoke to somebody today at UBC about their OT program and they assured me that I will be able to graduate their program; my spatial acuity issues and CP will be something that can be accomoadated. When I was talking to my OT a few weeks ago about this he said, you know I've been thinking about that and I think it's something you should contact the college about, it's just.. I don't ever want to tell you no because I know you'll do it anyways :). Well, good thing he didn't.  

Prayers for my OT and family as well as continued progress in my therapies would be appreciated. Also, my OT had to be switched to Wednesdays so, prayers that I can get a bus booked on Wednesdays would be much appreciated.  


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